Liam Alastair Crouse, MLitt in Publishing Studies, 2013-14

September 15th, 2013 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Liam Alastair Crouse, MLitt in Publishing Studies, 2013-14
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With a background in Celtic Studies, specifically in Gaelic language, culture, history, and literature, I came to the University of Stirling to study a MLitt in Publishing Studies. Originally from Rhode Island, USA, I travelled to Scotland in 2008 to follow an undergraduate in Celtic & Archaeology, which I obtained in June 2012.

Having a varied work experience background, including hospitality, tourism, museum, and governmental work, it was early in 2013 that I began work on a self-published book, as editor and typist. Through this first (read ‘rudimentary’) glance at publishing, coupled with my sincere interest in Gaelic language revitilisation, I was awarded the first Gaelic publishing scholarship from the Gaelic Books Council for this year. In this coming year, I look forward to working with the Council and the Centre to investigate and research various aspects of the publications’ industry, with the eventual goal of the improvement and development of the Gaelic publishing market.

Tha fiughar ghlan orm gus a bhith a’ faotainn an-sàs ann an saoghal an fhoillseachaidh Ghàidhlig le sealladh agus eòlas-beatha ùr a’ toirt buaidh shònraichte orm. Tha dhà no trì smuaintean ùr-ghnàthach agam gus foillseachadh agus litreachas na Gàidhlig a’ toirt a-steach don 21mh linn. Bidh mi ‘n dòchas gun cuidichinn gus pìseach agus soirbheachas ùr a thoirt air a’ chànain anns na bliadhnaichean tha romhainn.