1. MLitt

Kirsty Martin, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2018-19

December 18th, 2018 by Kirsty_Martin | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Kirsty Martin, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2018-19
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A quote which has become a personal motto for me and encapsulates all that I love comes from Saint Augustine: ‘The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.’  The driving forces behind my academic and career pursuits thus far have been literature, language, education and travel.  My ambition is to publish excellent work on a global scale as I believe this is the most effective way to educate, inspire and learn something about yourself which perhaps you did not know yesterday.  If I can play a part in this by any means, I know I will make a difference

I believe communication to be key in so many contexts.  From being a youthful creative writer to a graduate of MA English Language and English Literature, my love of both the written and spoken word have been emulated in almost everything I do.  I love the ‘buzz’ of the publishing industry, the bringing together of creative minds to introduce something vibrant, new and exciting to the world.  Working on the Marketing and Communications side of publishing has been an ongoing dream of mine which the MLitt in Publishing Studies will make a reality.

Something I love about the publishing industry is that it has not ended with the rise of digitization: it has merely modernised, transformed, becoming even more exciting.  Words will always be written, edited, marketed and spread far and wide.  Publishing is the only way to do this.  As a keen traveler and TEFL teacher, I have an eye for educational publishing on a global scale.  Ground breaking resources are part of what make education exciting for all and it would be my dream come true to add a personal touch to these efforts.

My happiest place is on a train with a book close to hand, find me there any time.

Asya Gadzheva, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2018-19

November 16th, 2018 by Asya_Gadzheva | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Asya Gadzheva, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2018-19
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I have always found words curious. So when I started learning English, an assortment of words miles away from my mother language, I knew I was hooked for life. I went into journalism with the trembling longing to make something publicly useful and personally gratifying from words. Feature writing and entertainment journalism became my passion and since then I have freelanced for a number of film criticism websites.

Landing an editorial internship at Cosmopolitan magazine was a golden opportunity to observe, participate in and evaluate the finer points of magazine journalism. Consistent in its chaos and fascinatingly terrifying for someone fresh out of the newsroom, I felt it was time to go back to the beginning.

The MLitt Publishing Studies course is a journey of reinvention. A sudden, yet a somehow predictable change of career direction for a person who has always been a bit more in love with the letters on the page than the process of their investigation.

And so, leaping out of a world of punchy intros and an endless conflict between speed and accuracy, I am determined to pursue a career in publishing with a quintessentially journalistic sense of urgency and ruthless pragmatism. After all, some habits are transferable.

Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Wendy Russell, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18

November 10th, 2017 by Wendy Russell | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Wendy Russell, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18
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A mature student, I have recently graduated from Stirling Uni.  in Heritage and Conservation and through the course of my studies, I was able to do modules in History and English (always my favourite subjects at school).  I decided that I wanted to stay on to do a Masters and searched for a course that would give me greater employability, but that I also enjoy.  I have been self-employed for many years and ideally would like to continue with this in some form after the course.  Hopefully, throughout this year I will find a focus for business development which would utilise my knowledge of the heritage sector and combine this with publishing.

I have been a volunteer at the Battle of Bannockburn Centre and the Anne Frank Trust and more than anything else, I would say that this taught me to be flexible in what you want to do and be open to new ideas.

I feel that this is a really interesting time in publishing and that we have the opportunity to be a part of the changes that are taking place.