Working Title: The Shelf-Life of Books: An Exploration of the Lifecycle and Longevity of Books in the UK in the 21st Century
Topic: With 180,000 new titles now published each year, there is fierce competition for space on bookshop shelves. This research aims to identify and investigate longselling titles within UK trade publishing (namely the books you find in high street bookshops). It will first establish an overview of the typical lifecycle of books across genres, using quantitative data analysis. Then seek to identify and explore the cultural significance of those titles that, against all odds, remain on bookshop shelves.
Through this research data analysis methods will be developed and the themes of longevity, obsolesce and the impact of online bookselling on the UK publishing industry explored.
Research interests: bookselling, publishing, product development, consumerism, book history, book culture, creative industries, digital publishing, digital book history, digital humanities.
- Professor Claire Squires (Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication),
- Dr Simon Rowberry (Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication),
Scholarships: SGSAH AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship
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Email: h.l.markou[at]